1) Jorge Masvidal vs Billy Evangelista
Round 1- Masvidal forcing the issue with some kicks and jabs to open the fight. Evangelista throwing a lot right jabs to begin the fight. Takedown by Masvidal but Evangelista able to pop up. Evangelista has Masvidal in the clinch and both fighters now in the middle of the cage. Takedown by Evangelista but Masvidal has him in a guillotine as Masvidal pushes himself up. With Evangelista throwing knees with Masvidal trying get hooks amd gets the fight back in the middle. Exchange of kicks by both guys as. the round ends Masvidal had a guillotine with a Muay-Thai knee to end the round. Round 1 to Evangelista with the takedown and more active
Round 2- Both guys exchange jabs to begin the roound and then exchange kicks. Masvidal gets Evangelista in the clinch with a couple knees. Evangleista tries to throw a kick by blocked by Masvidal and takes down Evagelista and short scramble and Evangelista gets back to his feet. Sprawl by Masvidal stuffs Evangelista's takedown attempt. Masvidal starting to control the tempo with his jabs. Masvidal takes down Evangelista but Evangelista gets right up. Masvidal with another takedown with Evanglista gets right back up. Masvidal really controlling the pace of the round with cage control as the round ends. Round 2 10-9 to Masvidal
Round 3- Round begins a combination by Evangelista. Masvidal throwing jabs and using good movement with his jab. Overhand right by masvidal staggers Evangelista but doesn't capitalize. Attempted takedown by Masvidal is denied and both fighters back standing as the crowd is booing. Masvidal controlling the fight with his jab. Evangelista sensing urgency starts throwing right hooks and knee attempts and both fighters ended in the clinch to end the fight.
Round 3 to Masvidal as I have the fight 29-28 Masvidal. The judges score it 30-27 Jorge Masvidal
2) Tim Kennedy vs Melvin Manhoef
Round 1- Manhoef was starting to strike early and was stuffing Kennedey's takedowns early but it was too much for Manhoef as he eventually tapped out.
Winner- Tim Kennedy def Melvin Manhoef via submission (RNC) 3:41 of Round 2
3) Marloes Coenen vs Liz Carmouche
Round 1- The round was basically all standing Coenen did dominate with the standup as she won the round 10-9
Round 2- Both fighters echanged some standup early in the round as then carmouche took Coenen down for the remainder of the round with good ground control and punches. 10-9 Carmouche
Round 3- Fighters exchanged a little bit with Carmouche in the clinch and Coenen reversed but really didnt do anything with it. Carmouche then takes Coenen down and landing punches to the side of the head and Coenen keeps trying to put her legs up for a triangle to no avail. Hammerfists by Carmouche as all Coenen can do is try to block the shots. 10-9 Carmouche
Round 4- Coenen starts with round with an inside leg kick and then takes down Carmouche as Carmouche tries a triangle. Coenen lets Carmouche up. Carmouche then takes down Coenen a minute into the 4th and as Carmouche left her arm open, Coenen locks in a triangle choke as Carmouche taps out.
Winner- Marloes Coenen def Liz Carmouche via submission (triangle choke) 1:29 of Round 4 to retain Strikeforce Women's Welterweight Title
4) Dan Henderson vs Rafael "Feijao" Cavalcante
Round 1- Feijao starts the fight an overhand right to begin the fight knockdown Henderson as Feijao comes at Henderson and he flips over. The rest of the round the fighters lay and prayed on him for the rest of the round. 10-9 Feijao
Round 2- Round begins with both fighters standing in the pockets as henderson hits feijao with an overhand right and then moments later Feijao goes for the takedown but Henderson stuffs and Henderson gets a takedown of his own. Henderson is jaust laying on Feijao with the crowed booing and the referee finally stands them up. Superman punch and a combination by Henderson as he presses Feijao against the cage and scores a takedown to end the round. 10-9 Henderson
Round 3- Vicious right outside leg kick by feijao to begin the round. As both guys were gauging what to do, Henderson lands an overhand right that floors Feijao who falls flat on his face and a couple punches by Henderson and the referee halts the fight.
Winner- Dan Henderson def Rafael "Feijao" Cavalcante via KO (0:50) in Round 3 to win the Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Title
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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